A leader and visionary with a long enriching experience in academia, research, policy making, institutional, business and entrepreneurship development, promotion of MSMEs, banking and finance, diplomacy. As an economist and banker, the expertise of Ambassador Jankee has been solicited both locally and internationally as a consultant and in positions of high level responsibilities in governmental and non-governmental organisations.

As ex-chairman of the Development Bank of Mauritius, he served WASME as President from 2006 to 2009 and was midwife to lots of innovations at WASME. Given his keen interests in MSMEs, he continued to collaborate with WASME as a financial and economic consultant. As a founding member and President of All Africa Association of small and medium enterprises, a pan Africa organization registered in Nigeria, Ambassador Jankee demonstrated his leadership skills and capacity to create a platform for promotions of business in Africa. His international involvement as an academician, economic consultant and recently as a diplomat has strengthened his network of institutions, professionals and leading businessmen highly imperative for consolidating WASME globally.